Full-time and Part-time Day Unit Faculty Course Materials Under the Day Contract - - Please Note-This does not apply to DCE day/evening/weekend/summer adjunct faculty (DCE Contract Applies) Faculty are required to distribute course materials to each student and forward a copy to the immediate supervisor prior to the conclusion of the add/drop period. The course materials shall include all materials listed on the attached Checklist for Course Materials. (Form XIII-E2). NEW COURSE … [Read more...]
New to the 2015-2018 Day Unit Contract and unit members may opt out of email communications
In accordance with Article 18 of the Day Unit Contract, all contractual notices, recommendations, reports, and official communications shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be given if delivered by: Hand Mail Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested First Class Mail • Email to the Unit Member’s Email Address, Return Receipt Requested Facsimile Transmissions NB - The above-referenced email communication is new to the 2015-2018 Day Unit Contract and unit members may opt out of … [Read more...]
College Service and Work to Rule
FACULTY REQUIREMENT ONLY: No later than February 15, faculty are required to submit a list of college service activities to be performed during the semester. This list is completed in section 1 of the attached form (Form XIII-E5) and submitted to the immediate supervisor. Section 2 and section 3 will be completed at the end of the semester and submitted on the last day of classes. College service activities may include: Serving as advisor to student activities; Serving on governance, … [Read more...]
Contract Tips: Professional Staff Off-Campus Days
The day after Thanksgiving - Article 12.04C6 A professional staff should request 3 off-campus days per fiscal year (beginning ) for participation in off-campus activities are outside those assigned as part of the regular professional staff workload. These free days for professional staff to be off campus. There is no reporting requirement. One days shall be the day after Thanksgiving. Professional staff should not be using compensation or personal leave time for the day after Thanksgiving. The … [Read more...]
DCE Missed classes
Missed classes must be made-up by four possible means with the approval of the college. One must either schedule a make-up class; add time to the remaining class meetings; assign a paper, project, or a self-directed learning experience which will require a time span equivalent to one class period; or by another method that is proposed by the unit member. The state now has a sick time law which took effect on July 1, 2015. The law is applicable to DCE faculty and allows for the accrual and the … [Read more...]