Full-time and Part-time Day Unit Faculty Course Materials Under the Day Contract – – Please Note-This does not apply to DCE day/evening/weekend/summer adjunct faculty (DCE Contract Applies)
Faculty are required to distribute course materials to each student and forward a copy to the immediate supervisor prior to the conclusion of the add/drop period. The course materials shall include all materials listed on the attached Checklist for Course Materials. (Form XIII-E2).
Please note that Course Materials Form E-2 has new requirements which I have underlined on the attached form. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) have been added to the form along with a principles statement (Attached). This SLO principle statement provides protective language for faculty as follows:
- SLOs are faculty-driven.
- Protects academic freedom rights during the process of producing SLOs.
- Ensures that SLOs will not be evaluated in any way, including the content of SLOs, students achievement of SLOs, the results of SLO assessments, or the methods used to assess the SLOs.
- Provides protections regarding how SLO information is used and distributed.
- Provides administrative support and funding for SLO training and professional development that may include, but not limited to, reassigned time, stipends, and other related items
As in the past, the confidentiality of all course materials shall be maintained and the employer may not distribute these materials to anyone without your permission. The immediate supervisor must return all course materials to the faculty member by the end of the fifth (5th) week of classes. If items on the checklist are missing or if the immediate supervisor has concerns, the faculty member will be advised in writing and will be given fourteen (14) calendar days to submit the missing items and respond to the concerns.
The intent of this 14 day response period serves two (2) purposes:
- To give the faculty member the opportunity to correct an oversight without a negative comment being placed in the summary evaluation.
- To insure that students have all of the items on the checklist. NB: Please note that faculty have full freedom in the selection of course materials. If the faculty member believes that a directive from the immediate supervisor to change the course materials infringes upon academic freedom, then the faculty member has the right to initiate the grievance process. Full freedom in selecting course materials includes full freedom to:
- Select all reading materials,
- Adopt SLOs,
- Adopt teaching procedures,
- Give Assignments and/or supplemental reading,
- Select tests,
- Determine the basis for student grading,
- Determine the criteria for evaluating student performance, and
- Determine attendance policy.
Full-time Faculty Office Hours
1) All faculty are required to submit their preferred office hour schedule at the beginning of the semester and post their office hour schedule by the end of the first week of classes.
2) Office hours are required on campus unless a faculty member is approved to hold office hours at an off campus instructional site or if the faculty member teaches an online course.
3) If a faculty member is assigned one (1) or more online course(s) as part of the faculty member’s day unit workload, the faculty member may, at his or her discretion, conduct one (1) weekly office hour online. Notwithstanding the above, faculty members may be allowed to conduct one or more office hour(s) online upon the approval of the College President or President’s designee in his or her sole discretion.
4) Faculty are required to maintain four (4) office hours per week over four (4) days unless a faculty member has a reduced instructional workload.
5) For faculty with reduced instructional workloads, one (1) office hour is reduced for each three (3) credit hour course reduction. This means that the number of days required for office hours is reduced by one (1) day for each office hour reduced.
6) Faculty can advise students during their office hours.
Adjunct Faculty Office Hours
Adjunct faculty are not required to submit and/or post office hours under the day contract and/or the DCE Contract. If you are a day/unit part time faculty member, then there is no requirement to post/ hold/provide office hours. If you are a DCE unit member (day or evening), there is no requirement to post and hold set office hours, but there is language in the DCE contract that states you are obligated to be available to students by appointment when mutually convenient.
Download Attachment
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Dennis Fitzgerald
MCCC Grievance Coordinator
170 Beach Road #52
Salisbury, MA 01952
email mcccfitzy@comcast.net
tel 978-255-2798
fax 978-255-2896