From the Contract Extension, August 2002
Subsequent to the ratification and execution of this Extension of Agreement and no later than October 15, 2002, the employer shall establish a Committee to study the appropriateness of the system of classification applied to Unit Professional Staff members. This shall be accomplished by studying the methodology used, and by comparing classification or other salary systems applied to similar personnel in the ten similarly situated states and the state of Connecticut.
The Committee shall carefully, completely and with serious intent study the issues which fall within its respective purview and no later than April 1, 2003, shall prepare a report for the Chancellor of Higher Education which shall contain its findings and recommendations. Notwithstanding the preparation and transmittal of the above referenced report, the findings and recommendations of the Committee are not binding on either the Board or the Council.
The MCCC Professional Staff Classification Committee
Michael Bathory Greenfield Mary Jane O’Connor Holyoke Russ Milham Bristol Mary Nelson Massasoit - Article from the April 2005 MCCC News (pdf format)
The Committee’s Final Report (pdf format)