Sign up to be a silent observer Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022 02:00-4:00 PM Important information to be read before signing up Ground Rules for our Bargaining Sessions with Management; (pdf) Guidelines for Participation as Silent Observers; (word doc) … [Read more...]
Statewide MCCC Meeting, May 3, 6:30 PM
There will be a statewide meeting of all MCCC union members on May 3, 2022 at 6:30 PM. The focus of the meeting will be on a proposed change to Section 26 of Chapter 15A by the college presidents that would remove language currently requiring classes at the community colleges that are taught in the evening, weekends, and summer to operate at no cost to the Commonwealth. This proposal, if it passes, is potentially massively consequential. The purpose of this meeting is for MCCC members to … [Read more...]
MOTION: Given that we have contested races, the MCCC Board of Directors shall organize an MCCC Candidate’s Night for the general membership of the MCCC. This event shall be held via Zoom in the evening to make it convenient for members to attend. The event shall be publicized on the MCCC website and held no later than Thursday, March 10th for MCCC members to learn about the candidates before the voting deadline of March 25th. The Zoom information shall be made available at least two weeks in … [Read more...]
Share your stories when the Legislature’s Committee on Public Service
On Tuesday, Oct. 19, adjunct faculty will have an opportunity to share their stories when the Legislature’s Committee on Public Service holds a public hearing on the Act to Provide Fair Working Conditions for Higher Ed Adjunct Faculty, S.1732/H.2723. The hearing begins at 10 a.m. and will be held remotely. More details about the hearing can be found by clicking here, including how to watch online. Please note that there are a number of other bills that will be heard, and the … [Read more...]