MCCC members may write themselves in as a candidate for certain MCCC positions. All MCCC members who appear on the write-in part of the election ballots when returned MUST also provide appropriate information by Thursday, March 28, 4:00 p.m.
A write-in candidate cannot be deemed elected without this information. Both parts (ballot and information form) are required to be elected as a write-in candidate.
The following materials support member Write-In ballots for
- DELEGATE to the MTA Annual Meeting
Boston – Friday May 3 and Saturday May 4, 2019 - DELEGATE to the NEA Representative Assembly
Houston – Monday, July 1 to Monday, July 8, 2019
NOTE: All communications with write-in nominees are by email.
The period for entering the write-in part of a write-in nomination is passed.
Final Results for MCCC elections will be posted soon.
Note: ALL communications with candidates by the MCCC office is by EMAIL.
After the ballots are in and counted, the office must verify that electees plan to honor their commitment to attend, so that alternate delegates be given the opportunity to be delegates. Email communications greatly facilitates accomplishing these tasks in the limited time available.
Policies Related to Candidates for Delegate Status
Write-in Candidates
Write-in candidates are only permitted on the ballot for MTA Annual Meeting and/or NEA Representative Assembly.
Candidates for NEA Representative Assembly
NEA Bylaw Rules on NEA-RA
- MCCC members in good standing on January 15, 2019, who pay their NEA dues through the MCCC may seek election as MCCC local delegate to the NEA-RA. Only members who pay their dues to NEA through the MCCC are entitled to vote in the election for MCCC delegates to the NEA-RA.
Members teaching in DCE or part-time day who pay NEA dues through another MTA local (MSCA, a K-12 local, etc) may seek election and vote for NEA-RA delegates only through that local. Individuals who join NEA through MCCC or another local after January 15, 2019 are not eligible to seek election as a delegate to the 2019 NEA-RA. - No dues money may be used to promote the candidacy of any individual for an NEA office.
Delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly
- The MTA provides a stipend of $400 to all MTA-affiliated delegates.
- The MCCC Budget for 2019 does not provide any MCCC support to MCCC delegates to the NEA RA.
Candidates for MTA Annual Meeting
MTA Bylaw Rules on MTA-DA
- MCCC members in good standing on March 1, 2019, who pay their MTA dues through the MCCC may seek election as MCCC local delegate to the MTA-DA. Only members who pay their dues to MTA through the MCCC are entitled to vote in the election for MCCC delegates to the MTA-DA.
Members teaching in DCE or part-time day who pay MTA dues through another MTA local (MSCA, a K-12 local, etc) may seek election and vote for MTA-DA delegates only through that local. Individuals who join MTA through MCCC or another local after March 1, 2019 are not eligible to seek election as a delegate to the 2019 MTA-DA. - MCCC Members on the MTA Board are ex officio MTA delegates to the MTA.
- Delegates shall be registered at the Annual Meeting (DA) for a term of one year.
- No dues money may be used to promote the candidacy of any individual for an MTA office.
Delegates to the MTA Annual Meeting
- Support: The MCCC Budget for 2019 provides a $25/day stipend to all MCCC delegates who attend the MTA DA.
- Election Waiver for Candidates for MCCC Delegate to the MTA Annual Meeting
If the number of certified candidates for MTA delegate is less than or equal to the number permitted, then those candidates are deemed elected. The ballot process will be conducted to permit write-in candidates for none-filled slots, or to be named as successor delegates.