The MCCC Delegate Assembly is the most democratic body in the MCCC, and it’s also the most powerful. It’s easy to be elected, and it makes a difference
The statewide elected officers, Board of Directors, and Chapter Presidents matter in carrying out the day-to-day work of the Union, but the decisions of the Delegate Assembly are the highest authority. As our Bylaws say “All legislative responsibilities of the Council shall be vested in the Delegate Assembly, and its policies and programs shall be implemented by the constitutional officers and governing bodies of the Council.”
The Delegate Assembly is held once each year. For 2017, it will be held on Saturday, April 29, at Doubletree by Hilton, 5400 Computer Drive, Westborough, MA 01581. In addition to conducting important work, it provides an opportunity for you to meet and get to know colleagues from other chapters.
The Delegate Assembly determines what dues members pay, and (related to that) also determines the annual budget for MCCC, what’s in, what’s out. Most members care about dues rates.
The Delegate Assembly is also the only body that can amend the MCCC’s Bylaws (which are in effect our constitution). Doing so requires a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting. This year the body will consider a number of proposed changes to the Bylaws. Bylaw proposals may be submitted by any union member. Bylaw proposals submitted by February 1, 2017, will be posted on the MCCC website and will be given to elected delegates from each of our 15 chapters at least two weeks before the Delegate Assembly so that the bylaw proposals may be thoughtfully reviewed and considered prior to voting at the Delegate Assembly.
MCCC Elections policies and procedures require that there be a chapter-wide call for nominations over a reasonable period of time so that all members have an equal opportunity to put their name forward to serve as delegates. In most chapters if you want to be a delegate, all you need to do is send an email to your chapter president saying “I’d like to run for delegate assembly.” In theory delegates are elected, and on rare occasions there is an actual election; but most of the time chapters don’t fill their full allotment, so anyone who puts their name in is elected. If you are at all interested, please send an email to your Chapter President; do it today!
If all the allowed delegate slots were filled, there would be more than 250 people at our MCCC Delegate Assembly. A quorum of 80 members is needed to hold the Delegate Assembly. Chapters have been notified of their allowed delegate count and are urged to meet a minimum number of delegates to ensure a quorum. Each chapter is required to provide the names of its elected delegates and alternates by April 14, two weeks prior to the April 29 Delegate Assembly
Becoming a delegate to MCCC’s Delegate Assembly is a relatively small step, but it’s an important one, and can make a difference. You are the union. To make it work for you requires your input and engagement. I urge to send an email to your Chapter President asking to be a delegate.
If you encounter any problems in running for delegate, please send an email to for follow-up.
For a comprehensive overview of this year’s Delegate Assembly, please visit the MCCC webpage at www. and look in the middle of the page for:
MCCC DELEGATE ASSEMBLY Saturday, April 29. Become a delegate for your chapter. Click here for full details.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 29.
In Solidarity
Diana Yohe, MCCC President