January – Fall 2016 DCE Salaries will increase 4% for the spring semester 2016 as provided by the collective bargaining agreement. These rates will be applicable to courses offered January 15, 2016 through the fall 2016. The new rates are as follows:
- Step 1 – $1,025 (1-5 courses taught at the college)
- Step 2 – $1,097 (6-10 courses taught at the college)
- Step 3 – $1,180 (11 or more courses taught at the college)
- Step 4 – $1,239 (8 years seniority or more at the college)
.74 Lab ratio
There is also the system wide salary provision noted below that was effective for the fall 2015 semester.
Please feel free to contact Joseph Rizzo, MCCC DCE Grievance Coordinator, if you have any questions. Grievance-DCE@MCCC-union.org
A new salary provision of the DCE collective bargaining agreement became effective in the fall 2015 semester. Previously, DCE salary step determination was based on the DCE work history at each community college. Salary can now be determined based on the DCE courses and years taught at other community colleges in our system. The unit member must initiate this process by asking the College to include the work history at the other institutions(s) and to authorize the other College(s) to disclose this information. Unit members with a two year break in service in the system are not eligible. This contract provision pertains only to the calculation of salary. Unit members who wish to exercise this contractual right should contact the Human Resources office at their College. The DCE contract article is included below.
DCE Article 14.05 F. Effective commencing with Fall 2015 semester course assignments, a unit member teaching at more than one Community College may, for salary purposes only, request that his or her salary step include courses and years taught at such other community colleges; any such request provides authorization for such community colleges to disclose all College records pertaining to such unit member. Upon confirmation of the courses and years previously taught, the member’s salary shall be calculated accordingly. Except for salary purposes, this article shall not alter individual college’s seniority lists and seniority is not transferred from one community college to another. This provision does not apply to a DCE faculty member with more than a two (2) year break in service in the Community College system.